Industry Solutions

Industry XML Integration Solutions



PilotFish enables the sharing of information across the entire health industry value chain. A specific emphasis on supporting HL7 and industry XML standards, taken together with many other productivity-enhancing features, allows the eiConsole for Healthcare (workstation IDE) and the eiPlatform for Healthcare (Java Runtime) to deliver on the promise of a seamlessly integrated healthcare organization.

Create integration regardless of the mix of systems, communications protocols, or standards (HL7 2.x and 3.x, FHIR, JSON, XML, CCD/CDA, X12 EDI, etc.)  being used. PilotFish’s Integration Solution is database, system, and platform agnostic.



PilotFish offers integration software and tools for implementing EDI and XML standards including comprehensive support for any insurance standard such as ACORD (LAH, PCS, RLC, AML) AL3, CITS, CLIEDIS, DTCC, HIPAA, NAILBA and any data format (X12 EDI, CSV, XLS / XLSX, JSON, PDF, and Binary).

Our integration solution, ACORD subject matter expertise and long-term commitment to the ACORD standard are why PilotFish is a recognized leader in tools for ACORD implementations and ACORD is itself a licensee of PilotFish software. Our eiPlatform is the engine behind the ACORD Testing and Certification Facility (TCF) that is used to validate ACORD members’ messages. PilotFish and ACORD collaborated on the development of the eiConsole for ACORD, the leading tool for ACORD integration.


X12 EDI Healthcare

PilotFish’s Integration Solution streamlines X12 EDI data exchange and integration across the entire healthcare delivery system – between insurance payers, TPA’s, clearinghouses, HIE’s, pharmacies and Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), healthcare organizations, providers, hospitals and suppliers. PilotFish’s eiConsole for X12 easily handles the range of non-HIPAA and HIPAA (versions 5010 and 4010) transactions encountered within the healthcare ecosystem.

PilotFish is the only tool you’ll ever need to validate healthcare X12 EDI data, translate and map it to or from any other application. PilotFish’s eiConsole for X12 accepts information in any format (Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, Word documents, email attachments, JSON, flat files, CSVs, etc.) and transforms data from any source (including APIs, XML, web services, cloud applications, portals, etc.).


X12 EDI Supply Chain

PilotFish’s Integration Solution is the only X12 EDI Interface Engine that includes a complete integrated suite of built-in EDI X12 integration tools. As a select distribution partner of X12 and with access to X12 standards artifacts, PilotFish embeds its deep knowledge of X12 into its product suite. PilotFish delivers rapid and efficient parsing, mapping, validation, transformation and production of any X12 standards message.

With PilotFish, there is no extra cost for its built-in features and components. With out-of-the-box functionality, PilotFish effortlessly handles any and all trading partner versions of the entire X12 specification – supply chain, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, insurance, HIPAA, financial and retail.



PilotFish’s MISMO and Financial XML Standards Implementation components let you leverage application server technology and enable seamless communication. Our integrated solution provides you with everything you need to define, build, test, deploy, manage, monitor and maintain sophisticated interfaces built around the MISMO, DTCC or other financial XML standards. Organizations benefit from a proven integration solution that supports the unique requirements of legacy systems, ongoing waves of fintech and standards-based data exchange.


Human Resources

PilotFish’s Integration Solution is uniquely architected to handle the complex nuances of the HR-XML standard to help you get your projects done faster and create deliverables of the highest quality. It is why the HR-XML Consortium itself is a licensee of our software and has partnered with PilotFish to offer the advantages of our software and tools to its members.



PilotFish’s Integration Solution can help bridge the gap between old, new and disparate systems within and between all branches of government. PilotFish enables government entities to “speak” to one another and exchange data seamlessly – regardless of platform, operating system or data source. 

PilotFish’s eiConsole, our graphical developer IDE workstation, delivers an intuitive automated interface assembly line process and configurable components to handle any data format, security method, validation scheme or connectivity protocol. PilotFish delivers the fastest and most cost-effective means to integrate heterogeneous systems and to expose data in compliance with Government requirements.



PilotFish allows you to leverage application server technology, web services, and industry XML standards, which include OpenTravel and other XML standards. These enable the fastest and easiest configuration and deployment of both legacy and modern systems with travel industry-focused tools that facilitate rapid implementations. Using PilotFish, you can enjoy specific support for OpenTravel with features including transaction templates for OpenTravel messages and support for OpenTravel-compliant Model extensions.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the button.

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