Data Attribute Swapper Processor Configuration
With the eiConsole and eiPlatform Data Attribute Swapper Processor, Users Can Swap Data Between Attributes and the Data Stream
With the Data Attribute Swapper Processor, the eiConsole and eiPlatform treat data flowing through the system in two pieces. They can swap data between attributes and the data stream. First is the main transaction stream, which is treated as an input stream. All of the major operations performed by various stages in the eiConsole and eiPlatform act on this stream. Contextual information is also available in the form of transaction attributes (a map of values that travel along with the primary data stream that can be accessed for any purpose). In some cases, it is important to switch data between the main data stream and one of these transaction attributes.
As with all the components of the eiConsole, the user is presented with a graphical interface with easy to configure panels. To swap data between Attributes and the Data Stream, use this Processor.
First, choose the Data Attribute Swapper Processor from the Add Processor drop-down menu.
Processor (Adapter) Configuration Drop-Down List
Select the Data Attribute Swapper tab and click on Add Processor.
Click on Add Processor
This Processor can be used in either direction. It can either take data from an Attribute and use it for the data stream, or it can take the current transaction data and store it in an Attribute.
You also have the option to treat this information as an XML object. The Attribute Name configuration item should be the name of the transaction Attribute that will be used to either store or retrieve the transaction data. If you want to take data from an Attribute and make it the primary data stream, check the Attribute->Data box and uncheck the Data->Attribute checkbox. To go in the other direction, do the opposite. If you would like to store the data as a Parsed document object model as opposed to an input stream, check the box that reads Use Document Object Model.
Basic Data Attribute Swapper Processor Configuration Options
The Basic tab allows you to set:
- Attribute Name – specifies the attribute to operate upon
- Copy Attribute to Data – if selected, the contents of the attribute are copied to the transaction data (IMPORTANT: If the attribute doesn’t already exist, an exception will be thrown)
- Copy Data to Attribute – if selected, the contents of the transaction data are copied to the attribute
- Use Stream – if selected, attributes will be stored/retrieved via cache InputStreams. (IMPORTANT: This and Use Document Object Model are mutually exclusive options)
- Global Attribute – toggle if attribute is globally accessible to all transactions
- Global Atibute Bucket – the name of the bucket in which a globally accessible attribute resides
Data Attribute Swapper Processor Basic Configuration Options
Conditional Execution Call Route Processor Configuration Options
On the Conditional Execution tab, you can set additional Processor execution conditions. The transaction data-dependent condition may be specified here as an enhanced expression. If this expression returns anything other than TRUE (ignore case) – this Processor will be skipped. No additional configuration for this Processor is required.
Data Attribute Swapper Processor Conditional Execution Configuration Options
For more information please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the link below.