
Cloud-Based Self-Service Resource Automates Testing, Validation, Onboarding

Now solution providers, labs, carriers, State and Federal agencies, HIEs or any agency or organization can automate the onboarding or certification of new members or customers with the eiTestBed. Any organization that offers a standard set of interfaces, file formats, or web services for consumption by many customers can benefit from the eiTestBed by replacing these manual and resource-intensive processes.

Customized to Meet Unique Branding, Validation Rules, and System Requirements

The eiTestBed is customized for the organization and is configured to the exact specifications for interoperating with their system. Your IT staff is now freed up from the time-consuming process of getting trading partners up and online. Your trading partners have one central source to access your organization’s interface templates, implementation guides, and contact information. The eiTestBed allows trading partners to test their transactions, review any errors and make changes as needed without requiring your organization’s staff’s assistance – at their own speed. The eiTestBed can also issue certification documentation as required for Meaningful Use attestation and generate custom reports.

Meets the Need for Automating Time Intensive Processes

  • HIEs can utilize the eiTestBed to mediate the transmission of electronic medical records between all of their providers.
  • Labs can accept orders for medical tests from their customers, and provide standardized order status and results.
  • State Agencies can conduct Meaningful Use certification for disease, immunization, and lab reporting for their hospitals and practices in real-time. They can also certify the conformance of these messages against national standards and their internal processing requirements.
  • Equipment Manufacturers who want to quickly integrate large numbers of customers can offer standard APIs to integrate with their products and then offer automated testing and validation of these messages.
  • Cloud-based Software Providers can enable standardized integration for their software offerings.
  • Payers/Carriers can facilitate the implementation of claims, billing, and other financial transactions.

Built on an Architecture That Offers Enormous Flexibility


The Validation Server can accept incoming “test documents” through a variety of protocols, including but not limited to email, HTTP, HTML Form, and FTP. A trading partner wishing to validate their messages may submit those messages in any of a variety of different ways. For instance, a developer wishing to test a new transaction may alternatively:

  • Send an email with “Transaction Test” in the subject line
  • Post the XML to test.yourcompany.com
  • Select the transaction to be tested from a drop-down on a web page
  • FTP a file to a directory on test.yourcompany.com


Inbound test documents can be subject to any required validation through a “pluggable” validation architecture. Validation rules can be expressed in XML Schema, Schematron or in a custom XML validation dialect.

Validation models can be “layered,” where a number of different models are applied to the same instance document. For example, the same document may be validated against:

  • The Schema
  • Certification Rules
  • Your Company-Specific Implementation Rules
  • Trading Partner-Specific Implementation Rules

This approach also has the benefit of exposing those areas where partners’ interpretations are at odds with yours, or with the standard itself.


Validation results can be produced as XML, or as a human-readable HTML report. This report enumerates the rules executed against a particular instance document, the success or failure of the rules mentioned above and any relevant details in the case of a failure. The report is returned to the submitter through the appropriate transport protocol (email, HTTP, web page, FTP, etc.).

Contact us at 860 632 9900 to schedule a custom demonstration today so we can show you how the eiTestBed can dramatically reduce your customer onboarding time and costs or click the link below.

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