Easily Perform Schema Slicing and Create a Subschema From a Sample XML Document, XSLT Mapping, or Customized View
Sometimes, large XML schemas can be unwieldy. Not only are such schemas hard to navigate, but they can cause automated processes – such as WSDL, code generators, or XML Binding utilities – to fail. In other scenarios, large XML schemas can lead to overly permissive XML schema validation processes and therefore dirty data. A common solution to this problem is to create subschemas for ACORD or to perform schema slicing from the larger base definition.
The schema management component of the eiConsole for ACORD’s Data Mapper allows the user to create a subschema from a sample XML document, XSLT mapping, or customized view. (Note: ACORD is a licensee of the eiConsole and uses it for their own schema management. ACORD members should visit the ACORD website to find out details about a special license for the eiConsole for ACORD for its members.)
If you have not already, please refer to the previous section on XSD Schema Managment to become familiar with the Data Mapper. To accomplish schema slicing, the user would choose the Manage Filters for Target/Source Tree dialog (within the data mapper) and then choose to Filter By Mapping or Filter By Sample.
Alternatively, you can select the elements or nodes that you wish to include in your final schema. After you’ve filtered your view or selected the nodes appropriately, you simply select the Slice Source or Target format tree by current view button. Or, you can right-click and choose Slice format by current view. If we click this, the unneeded nodes of the XML schema will be removed and the newly customized schema can be exported.
To learn about using the eiConsole for ACORD for Extending the Schema, please proceed to the next section. To learn more about how the eiConsole for ACORD can help you with your XSD/Schema Management, please watch the XSD Schema Management Video, call or contact us via email for a custom demonstration.
If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the button.