ACORD Integration Tools

eiConsole for ACORD – The Only Tool Designed Expressly for Implementing the ACORD Standard

The eiConsole for ACORD’s graphical IDE offers the insurance industry the means to faster and risk-free implementations. It’s why ACORD offers its members a free license to the eiConsole for ACORD and why ACORD itself is our customer.

The eiConsole for ACORD was developed for the specific purpose of creating, deploying, managing, and maintaining ACORD interfaces. It includes all the same productivity-boosting features of the PilotFish eiConsole, but has been architected to support the specific nuances of the ACORD standard. It is the industry’s only tool that supports insurance and ACORD-specific requirements for the Life & Annuity (L&A), Property & Casualty (P&C) and Reinsurance lines of business.

Easy ACORD Integration with the eiConsole for ACORD

With the eiConsole for ACORD, you won’t have to worry about tedious upgrades from one version of ACORD to another. It only takes a few mouse clicks! The eiConsole for ACORD also supports multiple ACORD model releases, model upgrades, and different model interpretations.

Achieve rapid ACORD integration with the eiConsole for ACORD as productivity is enhanced with pre-built transaction templates for all ACORD messages, searchable ACORD Metadata documentation, drag & drop Codelists and Typecodes, and support of Role-based relations. The eiConsole for ACORD also imports both the ACORD XSD and ACORD Metadata and enables ACORD-compliant Model extensions.

Provides Real Value to Both Business Analysts and Developers

Power users can utilize the point, click, drag & drop graphical interface to easily configure and deploy interfaces without needing expertise in Java, XML, XSLT, or other enabled technologies. At the same time, experienced developers, too, will want to leverage the eiConsole because it provides a much more efficient means of creating complete interfaces without tedious hand-coding. Both power users and experienced developers find this comprehensive list of components make ACORD Integration far easier:

  • Validation Processor
  • File Specification Editor
  • Data Mapper
  • Schema Manager

The eiConsole for ACORD offers proven value to anyone that is implementing or has implemented the ACORD Standard. Our unparalleled track record of on-time and on-budget implementations for over 24 years speaks for itself, too. The eiConsole for ACORD is available on the ACORD Website PilotFish Product Detail Page

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the button.

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