Integrate Anything to Anything, Anywhere!
Middleware Solution for Rapid Integration with No Coding or Scripting Required

PilotFish – A Unique Approach to Data Integration

The PilotFish Integration Platform suite of products enables the integration of anything to anything – anywhere and in any way. “Anything” means any application, system, data, equipment or device. “Anywhere” can include in-house, the cloud, external organizations, information exchanges or on-premise (customer or patient). By being data, environment and process agnostic, PilotFish is uniquely positioned to mitigate the problems of modern and legacy environments, unlocking the benefits of migration to the cloud.

Today business leaders are faced with a nearly infinite mix of operating systems, communications protocols, security programs, databases and data formats. It’s a nonstop challenge to successfully integrate their systems, digitize processes and maximize the value of analytics and AI. As the migration to the cloud progresses, the mix will also constantly be changing. PilotFish can do it all by addressing the real gap in the market for modern, easy-to-use and learn robust data integration technology.

Learn more about how PilotFish addresses these integration challenges.

See Why PilotFish Wins Consistently

Experience PilotFish’s ease of use, powerful performance and specialized features.

  • No coding or scripting required
  • Configure, map, test and deploy interfaces graphically
  • Excels in messaging, events and transactional integrations
  • Includes all standard and proprietary data formats

Download the industry’s only Free 90-Day Trial. Or request a custom demonstration.

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