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MISMO & Financial XML Standards Implementation Tools

MISMO and Financial XML Standards Implementation Tools

Transform Financial Data Transactions with Advanced Integration Solutions

PilotFish Technology offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline the implementation of MISMO, DTCC, and other financial XML standards. By leveraging cutting-edge application server technology, PilotFish enables seamless communication and integration across diverse systems, significantly reducing project cycles and enhancing interface quality. Our superior product suite ensures that businesses can fully capitalize on the benefits of XML standards, driving efficiency and boosting profitability.

Unlock the Potential of XML Standards

MISMO, DTCC and other XML standards are pivotal in accelerating data transactions within the financial sector. These standards facilitate faster, more accurate and more secure data exchanges, ultimately leading to increased revenue and sales. However, the complexities involved in implementing these standards can be daunting, deterring many companies from fully leveraging their advantages. PilotFish addresses these challenges by bridging the gap between legacy systems and modern XML-based technologies, providing an integrated solution that ensures interoperability across various platforms, operating systems, databases and communication protocols.

Comprehensive Tools for Interface Development and Management

PilotFish’s integrated solution equips you with all the necessary tools to define, build, test, deploy, manage, monitor and maintain sophisticated interfaces aligned with MISMO, DTCC and other financial XML standards. Our tools deliver substantial productivity gains, significantly enhancing your ROI and operational efficiency.

Core Products for Enterprise Integration

  • eiConsole: This graphical Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is at the heart of our product suite. Designed for creating, testing, deploying, managing and maintaining interfaces, the eiConsole features a unique data mapper, graphical file-to-XML editing, validation and a host of time-saving features such as drop-down menus, installed listeners, processors, format readers, configuration screens, transaction monitors, support for popular transports, direct metadata import and one-click schema updates. Specialized bundles for DTCC and MISMO are engineered to support their unique semantic requirements, ensuring seamless integration.
  • eiPlatform: The eiPlatform is a robust Java framework that powers the high-volume, secure run-time processing of interfaces developed with the eiConsole. This powerful engine guarantees that any system or service can integrate with any other system or service, irrespective of the platform, operating system, database or communication protocol used. The eiPlatform ensures reliability, security and performance at scale.
  • eiDashboard: The eiDashboard is an advanced web-based monitoring and reporting tool that provides real-time insights into the health of your interfaces. It allows users to view, trace, analyze and report on transactional interfaces by capturing errors, diagnosing issues and restarting transactions without modifying the source or target systems. This ensures continuous operation and minimizes downtime, enhancing the reliability of your integration solutions.
  • eiTestBed: The eiTestBed facilitates the automation, validation, and certification of trading partners’ messages, standardizing initial and ongoing information exchange. Companies can publish their message formats and rules, allowing trading partners to test their transactions before going live. This tool is essential for ensuring compliance and consistency across multiple trading partners. PilotFish software also powers validation services for prominent organizations such as ACORD, the standards organization for Insurance, and the State of Connecticut’s Department of Health.

Benefits of Using XML Standards with PilotFish

  • Enhanced Data Accuracy and Consistency: XML standards ensure that data is uniformly structured and easily understood across different systems, reducing errors and improving the quality of information exchanged.
  • Faster Data Transactions: By standardizing data formats, XML facilitates quicker data processing and exchange, leading to faster transactions and improved operational efficiency.
  • Improved Interoperability: XML standards allow disparate systems to communicate seamlessly, enabling better integration and collaboration between partners, vendors and internal systems.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: XML is highly adaptable, allowing businesses to scale their operations and integrate new systems or partners without significant overhauls.
  • Cost Savings: Automating and standardizing data exchanges reduces manual intervention, minimizes labor costs and decreases the likelihood of costly errors.

Why Choose PilotFish?

PilotFish’s tools are designed to enhance productivity, reduce integration costs and deliver high-quality interfaces swiftly. Our comprehensive suite of products supports every aspect of interface development, from initial design to deployment and ongoing management. By choosing PilotFish, your organization can efficiently leverage the benefits of financial XML standards, facilitating faster data transactions, ensuring compliance and driving more significant revenue and sales. Our commitment to innovation and excellence ensures you receive a superior product that meets your unique integration needs.

PilotFish DTCC and MISMO Specific Products

The eiConsole for MISMO with specific support for the MISMO standard not found in horizontal tools.

The eiConsole for DTCC with specific support for the DTCC standard not found in horizontal tools.

MISMO Model Viewer is a free, easy-to-use, web-based reference for the MISMO XML Schema Definition (XSD).

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the button.

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